How to open the Netgear’s DG834PN ports ?

netgear dg 834 pn

Alter 4 years working with the “mega-routers” that the ISP’s provide, I’ve bought Netgear’s DG834PN, and by now it’s been working great, I’ll talk about it later.

Starting from the point that the router has an initial configuration and that we have defined an IP, (i.e. in the computer, we can open the control panel of the router and select SERVICES in the left menu.
In this point, make clic in “Add Custom Service” and :

  • Name: “name you want to give to this service”
  • Type: TCP/UDP
  • Start port: 2000
  • Finish port: 40000

Now we have defined which ports we want to leave opened, we just have to say to which IP number is associated.
Click on Firewall Rules (left menú)
In Outbound services click on ADD
Now we have to add the service we previously created.

  • Action: Allow always
  • Lan Users: Single address
  • In the bottom cells we have to write down de IP we have in our computer.

Click on APPLY and click again on Firewall Rules (left menú)

  • In the Inbound services menú clic on add
  • Service: “name we gave it”
  • Action: ALLOW always
  • Send to LAN Server: here in the empty cells we have to write down the IP we defined in our computer.

We click APPLY……and thaaaat’s it!! Ports opened up!!!!




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